Source code for deepparse.dataset_container.dataset_container

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pickle import load
from typing import Union, List, Dict, Callable, Tuple

import pandas as pd
from import Dataset

from .tools import former_python_list, validate_column_names
from ..data_validation import (
from ..errors.data_error import DataError

[docs]class DatasetContainer(Dataset, ABC): """ Interface for the dataset. This interface defines most of the methods that the dataset needs to define. If you define another dataset container, the init must define the attribute data. We also recommend using the ``validate_dataset`` method in your init to validate some characteristics of your dataset. For a training container, it validates the following: - no address is a ``None`` value, - no address is empty, - no address is composed of only whitespace, - no address includes consecutive whitespace (e.g. "An address"), - no tags list is empty, if data is a list of tuple (``[('an address', ['a_tag', 'another_tag']), ...]``), and - if the addresses (whitespace-split) are the same length as their respective tags list. While for a predict container (unknown prediction tag), it validates the following: - no address is a ``None`` value, - no address is empty, - no address is composed of only whitespace, and - no address includes consecutive whitespace (e.g. "An address"). Args: is_training_container (bool): Either or not, the dataset container is a training container. This will determine the dataset validation test we apply to the dataset. That is, a predict dataset doesn't include tags. The default value is ``True``. data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn (Callable): Function to apply as data clea ning pre-processing step after loading the data, but before applying the validation steps. The default value is ``None``. """ @abstractmethod def __init__( self, is_training_container: bool = True, data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn: Union[None, Callable] = None ) -> None: """ The method to init the class. It needs to be defined by the child's class. """ = None self.is_training_container = is_training_container self.data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn = data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn def __len__(self) -> int: return len( def __getitem__( self, idx: Union[int, slice] ) -> Union[List[str], str, List[List[Tuple[str, List]]], Tuple[str, List]]: """ If the DatasetContainer is a "predict" one: - it can be a list of string items (e.g. a list of addresses (str)), or - it can be a unique string item (e.g. one address). If the DatasetContainer is a "training" one: - it can be a list of tuple (str, list) items, namely a list of parsed examples (e.g. an address with the tags), or - it can be a tuple (str, list) item. """ if isinstance(idx, slice): start, stop, _ = idx.indices(len(self)) result = [[index] for index in range(start, stop)] else: result =[idx] return result def is_a_train_container(self) -> bool: return self.is_training_container def validate_dataset(self) -> None: if not self._data_is_a_list(): raise TypeError("The dataset is not a list.") if self.is_training_container: data_to_validate = [data[0] for data in] else: data_to_validate = if validate_if_any_none(string_elements=data_to_validate): raise DataError("Some addresses data points are 'None' value.") if self.is_training_container: # Not done in previous similar if since none test not applied self._training_validation() if validate_if_any_empty(string_elements=data_to_validate): raise DataError("Some addresses data points are empty.") if validate_if_any_whitespace_only(string_elements=data_to_validate): raise DataError("Some addresses only include whitespace thus cannot be parsed.") if validate_if_any_multiple_consecutive_whitespace(string_elements=data_to_validate): raise DataError( "Some addresses include consecutive whitespaces (i.e. 'An address') thus cannot be properly parsed." ) if validate_if_any_newline_character(string_elements=data_to_validate): raise DataError("Some addresses include newline characters (i.e. '\n') thus cannot be properly parsed.") def _data_is_a_list(self) -> bool: return isinstance(, list) def _training_validation(self) -> None: if not self._data_is_list_of_tuple(): raise TypeError( "The pickled dataset data are not in a tuple format. Data" "is expected to be a list of tuples where the first element is" "the address, and the second is the address tag." ) if self._empty_tags(): raise DataError("Some tags data points are empty.") if not self._data_tags_is_same_len_then_address(): print( f"Some addresses (whitespace-split) and the associated tags are not the same length. " f"If you use a CSVDatasetContainer, consider using the tag_seperator_reformat_fn argument." f"Here is the report of those cases where len differ to help you out:\n" f"{self._data_tags_not_the_same_len_diff()}" ) raise DataError( "Some addresses (whitespace-split) and the tags associated with them are not the same length." ) def _data_is_list_of_tuple(self) -> bool: """ Return true if one of the elements in the dataset is not a tuple. """ return all(isinstance(data, tuple) for data in def _empty_tags(self) -> bool: """ Return true if one of the tag sets is empty. """ return all(len(data[1]) == 0 for data in def _data_tags_is_same_len_then_address(self) -> bool: """ Return true if all the data tags are the same len as the address split at each whitespace. """ return all(len(data[0].split(" ")) == len(data[1]) for data in def _data_tags_not_the_same_len_diff(self) -> str: diff_indexes = [index for index, data in enumerate( if len(data[0].split(" ")) != len(data[1])] report = "" for diff_index in diff_indexes: report += ( f"The data point (with index: {diff_index}: {[diff_index]}" f"\n\tLen of the address: {len([diff_index][0].split(' '))}" f"\n\tLen of the tags: {len([diff_index][1])}\n" ) return report
[docs]class PickleDatasetContainer(DatasetContainer): """ Pickle dataset container that imports a list of addresses in pickle format and does some validation on it. The dataset needs to be a list of tuples where the first element of each tuple is the address (a string), and the second is a list of the expected tag to predict (e.g. ``[('an address', ['a_tag', 'another_tag']), ...]``). The length of the tags needs to be the same as the length of the address when the whitespace-split is used. For a training container, the validation tests applied on the dataset are the following: - no address is a ``None`` value, - no address is empty, - no address is composed of only whitespace, - no address includes consecutive whitespace (e.g. "An address"), - no tags list is empty, if data is a list of tuple (``[('an address', ['a_tag', 'another_tag']), ...]``), and - if the addresses (whitespace-split) are the same length as their respective tags list. While for a predict container (unknown prediction tag), the validation tests applied on the dataset are the following: - no address is a ``None`` value, - no address is empty, - no address is composed of only whitespace, and - no address includes consecutive whitespace (e.g. "An address"). Args: data_path (str): The path to the pickle dataset file. is_training_container (bool): Either or not, the dataset container is a training container. This will determine the dataset validation test we apply to the dataset. That is, a predict dataset doesn't include tags. The default value is ``True``. data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn (Callable): Function to apply as data clea ning pre-processing step after loading the data, but before applying the validation steps. The default value is ``None``. """ def __init__( self, data_path: str, is_training_container: bool = True, data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn: Union[None, Callable] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( is_training_container=is_training_container, data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn=data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn ) with open(data_path, "rb") as f: = load(f) if not is_training_container: if self._test_predict_container_is_list_of_tuple(): raise DataError( "The data is a list of tuples, but the dataset container is a predict container. " "Predict container should contain only a list of addresses." ) if self.data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn is not None: = self.data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn( self.validate_dataset() def _test_predict_container_is_list_of_tuple(self) -> bool: return any((isinstance(data, tuple) for data in
[docs]class CSVDatasetContainer(DatasetContainer): """ CSV dataset container that imports a CSV of addresses. If the dataset is a predict one, it must have at least one column with some addresses. If the dataset is a training one (with prediction tags), it must have at least two columns, one with some addresses and another with a list of tags for each address. After loading the CSV dataset, some tests will be applied depending on its type. For a training container, the validation tests applied on the dataset are the following: - no address is a ``None`` value, - no address is empty, - no address is composed of only whitespace, - no address includes consecutive whitespace (e.g. "An address"), - no tags list is empty, if data is a list of tuple (``[('an address', ['a_tag', 'another_tag']), ...]``), and - if the addresses (whitespace-split) are the same length as their respective tags list. While for a predict container (unknown prediction tag), the validation tests applied on the dataset are the following: - no address is a ``None`` value, - no address is empty, - no address is composed of only whitespace, and - no address includes consecutive whitespace (e.g. "An address"). Args: data_path (str): The path to the CSV dataset file. column_names (list): A column name list to extract the dataset element. If the dataset container is a "predict" one, the list must be of exactly one element (i.e. the address column). On the other hand, if the dataset container is a "training" one, the list must be of exactly two elements: addresses and tags. is_training_container (bool): Either or not, the dataset container is a training container. This will determine the dataset validation test we apply to the dataset. That is, a predict dataset doesn't include tags. The default value is ``True``. separator (str): The CSV columns separator to use. By default, ``"\\t"``. tag_seperator_reformat_fn (Callable, optional): A function to parse a tags string and return a list of address tags. For example, if the tag column is a former Python list saved with pandas, the characters ``]`` , ``]`` and ``'`` will be included as the tags' element. Thus, a parsing function will take a string as is parameter and output a python list. The default function processes it as a former Python list. That is, it removes the ``[],`` characters and splits the sequence at each comma (``","``). csv_reader_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments to pass to pandas ``read_csv`` use internally. By default, the ``data_path`` is passed along with our default ``sep`` value ( ``"\\t"``) and the ``"utf-8"`` encoding format. However, this can be overridden by using this argument again. data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn (Callable): Function to apply as data clea ning pre-processing step after loading the data, but before applying the validation steps. The default value is ``None``. """ def __init__( self, data_path: str, column_names: Union[List, str], is_training_container: bool = True, separator: str = "\t", tag_seperator_reformat_fn: Union[None, Callable] = None, csv_reader_kwargs: Union[None, Dict] = None, data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn: Union[None, Callable] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( is_training_container=is_training_container, data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn=data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn ) if is_training_container: if isinstance(column_names, str): raise ValueError( "When the dataset is a training container, the column names should be a list of column names." ) if len(column_names) != 2: raise ValueError("When the dataset is a training container, two column names must be provided.") else: # It means it is a predict container if isinstance(column_names, str): # We transform the str into a list to assess its length column_names = [column_names] if len(column_names) != 1: raise ValueError("When the dataset is a predict container, one column name must be provided.") if validate_column_names(column_names): raise ValueError("A column name is an empty string or whitespace only.") if csv_reader_kwargs is None: csv_reader_kwargs = {} csv_reader_kwargs = { "filepath_or_buffer": data_path, "sep": separator, "encoding": "utf-8", **csv_reader_kwargs, } if tag_seperator_reformat_fn is None: tag_seperator_reformat_fn = former_python_list if is_training_container: data = [ (data_point[0], tag_seperator_reformat_fn(data_point[1])) for data_point in pd.read_csv(**csv_reader_kwargs)[column_names].to_numpy() ] else: data = [data_point[0] for data_point in pd.read_csv(**csv_reader_kwargs)[column_names].to_numpy()] = data if self.data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn is not None: = self.data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn( self.validate_dataset()
[docs]class ListDatasetContainer(DatasetContainer): """ List dataset container that loads a list dataset into a DatasetContainer class. It also validates the dataset. Args: data (list): The dataset in a list format. The list format (if a train or test container) is identical as the :class:`~deepparse.dataset_container.PickleDatasetContainer`. is_training_container (bool): Either or not, the dataset container is a training container. This will determine the dataset validation test we apply to the dataset. That is, a predict dataset doesn't include tags. The default value is ``True``. data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn (Callable): Function to apply as data clea ning pre-processing step after loading the data, but before applying the validation steps. The default value is ``None``. """ def __init__( self, data: List, is_training_container: bool = True, data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn: Union[None, Callable] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( is_training_container=is_training_container, data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn=data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn ) = data if self.data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn is not None: = self.data_cleaning_pre_processing_fn( self.validate_dataset()