Getting Started

from deepparse.parser import AddressParser
from deepparse.dataset_container import CSVDatasetContainer

address_parser = AddressParser(model_type="bpemb", device=0)

# you can parse one address
parsed_address = address_parser("350 rue des Lilas Ouest Québec Québec G1L 1B6")

# or multiple addresses
parsed_address = address_parser(["350 rue des Lilas Ouest Québec Québec G1L 1B6",
     "350 rue des Lilas Ouest Québec Québec G1L 1B6"])

# or multinational addresses
# Canada, US, Germany, UK and South Korea
parsed_address = address_parser(
    ["350 rue des Lilas Ouest Québec Québec G1L 1B6", "777 Brockton Avenue, Abington MA 2351",
     "Ansgarstr. 4, Wallenhorst, 49134", "221 B Baker Street", "서울특별시 종로구 사직로3길 23"])

# you can also get the probability of the predicted tags
parsed_address = address_parser("350 rue des Lilas Ouest Québec Québec G1L 1B6",

# Print the parsed address

# or using one of our dataset container
addresses_to_parse = CSVDatasetContainer("./a_path.csv", column_names=["address_column_name"],

The default predictions tags are the following

  • "StreetNumber": for the street number,

  • "StreetName": for the name of the street,

  • "Unit": for the unit (such as apartment),

  • "Municipality": for the municipality,

  • "Province": for the province or local region,

  • "PostalCode": for the postal code,

  • "Orientation": for the street orientation (e.g. west, east),

  • "GeneralDelivery": for other delivery information.

Parse Addresses From the Command Line

You can also use our cli to parse addresses using:

parse <parsing_model> <dataset_path> <export_file_name>

Parse Addresses Using Your Own Retrained Model

See here for a complete example.

address_parser = AddressParser(
    model_type="bpemb", device=0, path_to_retrained_model="path/to/retrained/bpemb/model.p")

address_parser("350 rue des Lilas Ouest Québec Québec G1L 1B6")

Retrain a Model

See here for a complete example using Pickle and here for a complete example using CSV.

address_parser.retrain(training_container, train_ratio=0.8, epochs=5, batch_size=8)

One can also freeze some layers to speed up the training using the layers_to_freeze parameter.

address_parser.retrain(training_container, train_ratio=0.8, epochs=5, batch_size=8, layers_to_freeze="seq2seq")

Or you can also give a specific name to the retrained model. This name will be use as the model name (for print and class name) when reloading it.

address_parser.retrain(training_container, train_ratio=0.8, epochs=5, batch_size=8, name_of_the_retrain_parser="MyNewParser")

Retrain a Model With an Attention Mechanism

See here for a complete example.

# We will retrain the fasttext version of our pretrained model.
address_parser = AddressParser(model_type="fasttext", device=0, attention_mechanism=True)

address_parser.retrain(training_container, train_ratio=0.8, epochs=5, batch_size=8)

Retrain a Model With New Tags

See here for a complete example.

address_components = {"ATag":0, "AnotherTag": 1, "EOS": 2}
address_parser.retrain(training_container, train_ratio=0.8, epochs=1, batch_size=128, prediction_tags=address_components)

Retrain a Seq2Seq Model From Scratch

See here for a complete example.

seq2seq_params = {"encoder_hidden_size": 512, "decoder_hidden_size": 512}
address_parser.retrain(training_container, train_ratio=0.8, epochs=1, batch_size=128, seq2seq_params=seq2seq_params)

Download Our Models

Deepparse handles model downloads when you use it, but you can also pre-download our model. Here are the URLs to download our pretrained models directly

Or you can use our CLI to download our pretrained models directly using:

download_model <model_name>