Retrain With New Seq2Seq Parameters

import os

import poutyne

from deepparse import download_from_public_repository
from deepparse.dataset_container import PickleDatasetContainer
from deepparse.parser import AddressParser

First, let’s download the train and test data with the new tags, "new tags", from the public repository.

saving_dir = "./data"
file_extension = "p"
training_dataset_name = "sample_incomplete_data_new_prediction_tags"
test_dataset_name = "test_sample_data_new_prediction_tags"
download_from_public_repository(training_dataset_name, saving_dir, file_extension=file_extension)
download_from_public_repository(test_dataset_name, saving_dir, file_extension=file_extension)

Now, let’s create a training and test container.

training_container = PickleDatasetContainer(os.path.join(saving_dir,
                                                         training_dataset_name + "." + file_extension))
test_container = PickleDatasetContainer(os.path.join(saving_dir,
                                                     test_dataset_name + "." + file_extension))

We will retrain the FastText version of our pretrained model.

model = "fasttext"
address_parser = AddressParser(model_type=model, device=0)

Now, let’s retrain for 5 epochs using a batch size of 8 since the data is really small for the example. Let’s start with the default learning rate of 0.01 and use a learning rate scheduler to lower the learning rate as we progress.

# Reduce LR by a factor of 10 each epoch
lr_scheduler = poutyne.StepLR(step_size=1, gamma=0.1)

# We need a EOS tag in the dictionary. EOS -> End Of Sequence
tag_dictionary = {"ATag": 0, "AnotherTag": 1, "EOS": 2}

# The path to save our checkpoints
logging_path = "./checkpoints"

# The new seq2seq params settings using smaller hidden size
# See the documentation for the list of tunable seq2seq parameters
seq2seq_params = {
    "encoder_hidden_size": 512,
    "decoder_hidden_size": 512


Now let’s test our fine-tuned model using the best checkpoint (default parameter).

address_parser.test(test_container, batch_size=256)