Parse Addresses Using A URI

import pandas as pd

from deepparse import download_from_public_repository
from deepparse.dataset_container import PickleDatasetContainer
from deepparse.parser import AddressParser

Here is an example on how to parse multiple addresses. First, let’s download the train and test data from the public repository.

saving_dir = "./data"
file_extension = "p"
test_dataset_name = "predict"
download_from_public_repository(test_dataset_name, saving_dir, file_extension=file_extension)

Now let’s load the dataset using one of our dataset container

addresses_to_parse = PickleDatasetContainer("./data/predict.p", is_training_container=False)

# Let’s use the FastText model on a GPU.

path_to_your_uri = "s3://<path_to_your_bucket>/fasttext.ckpt"
address_parser = AddressParser(model_type="fasttext", device=0, path_to_retrained_model=path_to_your_uri)
parsed_addresses = address_parser(test_data[0:300])

# Print one of the parsed address