Source code for deepparse.comparer.formatted_compared_addresses_raw

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict

from .formatted_compared_addresses import FormattedComparedAddresses

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class FormattedComparedAddressesRaw(FormattedComparedAddresses): """ A formatted compared address of two raw (not parsed) addresses. """ def _get_probs(self) -> Dict: """ To get the tags from the parsing with their associated probabilities, the method needs to be implemented in each class because they don't use the probabilities the same way. """ return { self.first_address.raw_address: self.first_address.address_parsed_components, self.second_address.raw_address: self.second_address.address_parsed_components, } def _get_raw_diff_color(self, verbose=True) -> str: """ Print the raw addresses and highlight the differences between them. """ str_formatted = "" if verbose: str_formatted += "White: Shared\n" str_formatted += "Blue: Belongs only to the first address\n" str_formatted += "Yellow: Belongs only to the second address\n" str_formatted += "\n" str_formatted += ( self._get_color_diff( self.first_address.raw_address, self.second_address.raw_address, highlight=True, ) + "\n" ) return str_formatted def _comparison_report_builder(self) -> str: """ Builds the core of a comparison report for the various comparisons. Since the procedure to make a tags comparison and the raw addresses comparison are different, the comparison report is not the same for the two. It is then implemented in each specific class. """ str_formatted = "" intro_str = "Comparison report of the two raw addresses: " if self.identical: str_formatted += intro_str + "Identical\n\n" str_formatted += "Address : " + self.first_address.raw_address + "\n\n\n" else: if self.equivalent: str_formatted += intro_str + "Equivalent\n\n" else: str_formatted += intro_str + "Not equivalent\n\n" str_formatted += "First address : " + self.first_address.raw_address + "\n" str_formatted += "and\n" str_formatted += "Second address: " + self.second_address.raw_address + "\n\n\n" str_formatted += "Probabilities of parsed tags for the addresses with " + self.origin[0] + ": \n\n" probs = list(self._get_probs().values()) str_formatted += "Parsed address: " + repr(self.first_address) + "\n" str_formatted += str(probs[0]) + "\n" if not self.identical: str_formatted += "\nParsed address: " + repr(self.second_address) + "\n" str_formatted += str(probs[1]) + "\n" if self.equivalent: str_formatted += "\n\nRaw differences between the two addresses: \n" str_formatted += self._get_raw_diff_color() else: str_formatted += "\n\nAddresses tags differences between the two addresses: \n" str_formatted += self._get_tags_diff_color() return str_formatted